Sunday, November 21, 2010

Kangaroo Valley here I come!

I'm off to a new wwoofing job today, Monday! Gotta catch the bus from the village shop/post office in Cambewarra to the Kangaroo Valley post office. Only 1 morning bus and 1 afternoon bus. So I think Kangaroo Valley can't be much bigger. I won't have wifi there so it may be a little tougher not to be homesick.
I have to admit that I'm a little homesick. I've been skypeing, talking, texting, chatting with family and friends but it's not quite the same. There's a difference when you know that you can't really reach out and touch someone and you know it's gonna be a while before you can. Or maybe it's because I don't have many of my own things around? Or maybe because I don't know how I fit in here? Probably a combo of it all. Bonus though! I've heard from and "talked" to some people I haven't talked to in ages. Really nice chatting with you, James!
I'm sure each wwoofing job will be different. The work, the accommodations, the food, and the atmosphere. I'm staying in a spare room of someone's home. (Nicely equipped with 2 twin size foldout cots, sink, fridge, microwave, tea kettle, rice cooker, TV, and separate entry.)
On my second day here, I was told that to provide stability for the kids, I was not to be part of the family. I was to stay in my room and would have more meals than not on my own. I wasn't quite expecting that. But I do understand. It's a leap of faith to accept a total stranger into your home. It's disruptive to have a string of strangers come for a few days, weeks or months and then have them leave. But for the wwoofer, it does get lonely. During my second week, while my host was out of town, I worked on my laptop in my room and saw the family for a few brief dinners. (I did meet 2 people while I was out on walks that talked to me.) It would be nice to have another wwoofer stay here (I think).
There is another wwoofer (from the UK) working with this host and he's happy to see me even if its only for a few minutes 3-4 times during the day cuz he gets lonely too. He chooses to stay on the "farm" at night. I'd stay there with him (2 double futons in a room next to the office) for the camaraderie except I don't want to take showers with a camp shower between 2 sheets of plastic in a glass greenhouse(!) or walk 600' to use the sink or potty in the dark (next to garage of the main house). Primitive! He finally figured he had to use some hot water from the tea kettle for the camp shower cuz the sun and clouds didn't get the water hot enough. This is after slogging in the mud all day. Among a lot of other chores, he's renovated and expanded the chicken run. If it weren't muddy and sometimes raining, I wouldn't have minded helping him pound fence posts into the ground, string chicken wire, and re-roof the hen house. He could've used a hand. He (and the entire countryside) would've heard me when he found the 3 rats though.
Kangaroo Valley is supposed to be upscale, where celebrities might have their holiday homes. There are supposed to be shops in the village for tourists. My new place is an art gallery featuring Aboriginal art and a sculpture garden about 2 km from town. I'm supposed to maintain the garden. I 'm sure (hope) that I'm additional help! We'll see. I'm excited!


  1. Yay... so glad you are going to the next place. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that they will be nice hosts. Can't wait to hear from you again. miss you! :)

  2. Oh Cyn, that sounds a lot better! I can't believe anyone stays after they say "Stay in your room!" I would have slept outside for the company (and showered indoors) until I heard that the potty was 600' away. No thanks, not in my 40's after 3 kids! But I think maintaining a sculpture garden sounds like a dream job. Hope there are other wwooffeerrs. That will be a lot more fun. Hang in there and don't let being homesick stop you - it's the adventure of a lifetime, and since I'm too chicken to take it, I want to keep hearing about it from you!


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